Tuesday, 23 December 2014


So I failed. In August I wrote a lists of goals that I would have to Christmas to complete. One of the goals was to finish my script.

In September 2013 I moved from Norway to Southampton, England to finish my Bachelor degree in Film and Television at Southampton Solent University (SSU). As my Major Project (MP) I chose to write a screenplay for a 30min short (so roughly 30 pages) in stead of writing the script of a 10min short and having to produce it. As I was leaning more on becoming a screenwriter it was an easy choice.

I developed a script with the working title "RED" (it still has that title). Nine months later 10 months later I was done at SSU and moved back home to Norway, and got my grade for the MP, an A. I knew my tutor in MP liked my script, because he several times told me to tell him when I wanted to produce it. This gave me a lot of confident and chose to develop that same script from a short to a feature film. I started doing this in August, and though I already had a beginning, middle and and end, I had to change a lot though the story still was the same. This was very challenging and it still is! I've had good writing days, but even more horrible days where I've only been able to stare at the screen and feeling all empty in that big head of mine. I wrote 20 pages in a day once....ONCE! The next day everything was gone, and haven't written anything since (6.Dec) Now I know that when I first start writing... I should never stop and just stay up for a couple of days....Well anyway, so here I am, the day before Christmas (We celebrate on the 24th Dec, with Christmas dinner and presents) and I still have 30 pages to go.... Merry Christmas everybody!

Photo by: Guri Rognskog, http://guri88.weebly.com

Friday, 19 December 2014

I, Frankenstein

This film gives me the same feeling I got when I watched Van Helsing (2004, damn, that's a long time ago)  Now I liked Van Helsing, could be because of Hugh Jackman or just because I love the classics Dracula, The Wolfman, Frankenstein and all that, and love seeing different versions that people come up with. I love monsters. Though a lot about Van Helsing was like "Whaaaaaaat?" Well anyway...

The Frankenstein monster is suppose to be... I guess freakish looking, an abomination. But in I, Frankenstein the monster is played by Aaron Eckhart,  who is always doing a good job in my eyes and is someone I'd like to see more of. Aaron (Yeah we're totally on first name basis, sure) portray the Frankenstein monster as a very good looking monster (which isn't really Aaron's fault... he's just naturally good looking), with no soul (not Aaron, but the monster or Adam), but whom (do people still say whom?) you want to root for. How it's not his fault that he is a monster, but the society... well I guess mostly V. Frankenstein's fault as he made him and then was like "Yeah I don't like it... I am just gonna get rid of it." Victor was asking for it.

I like what the female scientist Terra (of course there's a female getting really attached to the "monster" It's Beauty and Beast all over again...just better because the Beast still looks like a "beast") Now, Terra says: "You're only a monster if you behave like one." That's true, and he obviously needed to be told that.

Let's move on to other parts of the film, such as the demons and the gargoyles. Bill Nighy is doing a great job as prince Naberious, he nailed it. Reminds me of his Victor in Underworld, which isn't weird since it's the same producers, which I didn't know until I just saw it on the poster right now. I should have known though.  Back to the demons. The demons basically wants to rule the world and needs the help of Adam (monster), Adam on the other hand is more on his own side, but is leaning towards the gargoyles. I think the best about the gargoyles is how they turn from stone to human, that is pretty well done, but the whole war between the demons and the gargoyles I think is weird. Especially when the demons storm the cathedral and the gargoyles kills a lot of them, which means a lot of that descend light their soul do and what.... NO human can see that? Are they invisible for humans? Was this mentioned in the film, because I've seen it three times and I can't remember that. Someone has to have seen it.. People are not THAT blind...or deaf. And this descend and ascend thing they use, it just have Supernatural all written over it.

A plus about the movie is that it doesn't focus on the how he was made which most of the Frankenstein movies do. Just a little part of how it all began and then move on, which is good. The storyline could have been worked on... a lot.

And the scars on Adam's body could have been more visible. On the picture to the right, you can clearly see the scars, however most of the scenes they aren't really visible, which is a shame, because they are really cool looking scars. The scars on his body should have been even more grotesque.

Another thing that I do like though is how they have made some parts of his face in a green tone. Such as around the eyes on the cheek bones. Gives it more a corpse-like look.

The movie has been butchered and I do understand that. But it's one of those films that you can just watch again and again (that's how it is for me anyway) Maybe because I see a lot of potential and see what I would have done different, the same with Van Helsing. However I really like the casting they did for this movie.

A lot to work on, but fun to watch.