Wednesday, 12 January 2011

The Nutrilett Diet: Day 1-3

So I am on a diet now where I only eat/ drink Nutrilett products for two weeks. I am I crazy? Can a person who gives up easily (like me) really live on Nutrilett meals for fourteen days? Let’s find out.

 I have already done it for three days now. At first I was hungry all the time, but not so much anymore. So far I have only been drinking the Nutrilett shake with the taste of chocolate, The Creamy Chicken soup and the dark chocolate bar. You’re suppose to have 5 bags of the product each day, but I’ve been eating less, which is not good, because now I just feel tired all the time. Even writing this is hard work. Also my mood is not good. I easily get angry and depressed. Not very depressed, but enough :P  I also get easily stressed. This just sounds negative, but it’s not too bad! And I am guessing the three- four first days will be like this. However I am really surprised that I haven’t been tempted to drink any soda or eat candy….or MEAT. Okay have to say that proper food is actually more tempting than soda or candy/snacks, which is for me very weird. I am a person who’s not really a food person; I mean I enjoy good food, but I rather slack on the dinner so I can eat more chocolate. That’s the person I am…or was…

 I am also filming it, which is to great help for me to actually do this (Might be a film when I am done). It’s not easy to smell actual food every day, but so far so good. I also eat fruit. On the package it says that it’s okay to eat vegetables so I hope it goes for fruit too, because I need something sweet. I also weight my fruit so I know how many calories I eat. So far I don’t eat more than 500 kcal (the fruit and the Nutriletts) which is too little. Especially now that I am going to do some workout too.  Been getting up late too, which I think answers for my lack of eating. I shall force myself out of bed earlier so I can fill my day with all of the five portions.

So far my favorite is the Dark Chocolate bar, because it actually tastes like chocolate. The chocolate shake and the chicken soup is not bad either, but taste more powder-like :P especially the soup... I haven’t tried much of the other tastes, because our nearest shop only has the chocolate shake and the chicken soup. They did have a toffee bar but I am not really a toffee person I think. But I guess I’ll have to try that one too…or all that I can get my hands on.

Well it’s time to shut up and sleep! :D Hope I get my butt out of bed early tomorrow...


  1. So, what happend? How much weight did you lose?

  2. Im doing the nutrilett soup diet for two weeks. Also going to the gym every other day. I hope I can lose 7kg too...

  3. 7 KGs in how much time? and how did you do only eating shakes or did you include food in your days as well and replaced maybe one or 2 meals with shakes? thanks for the feedback!
